Site Info
This site was designed by James Cobb. It was implemented by Joe Muscara of termite terrace studios and redesigned by Pam Parks in 2016 under the direction and guidance of a joint GOMO-GOCC steering committee.
This site is jointly owned and operated by the Garden Oaks Maintenance Organization (GOMO) and the Garden Oaks Civic Club (GOCC). GOMO, GOCC and related neighborhood groups who are approved to post content to the site share responsibility for the content on the site with each managing their respective pages. Some pains have been taken to clearly segregate and identify content for these organizations on the site.
Contribute to the Site
If you would like to help by providing content for this site, particularly in any areas where the content is still "under development," let us know.
Comments are also welcome.
Members Only Pages and Registration
GOMO Records and Q & A+ pages are restricted to registered users. This permits more information to be posted as it reduces the likelihood of inappropriate use of information. It also creates an inducement for Members of GOMO to provide and maintain their contact information. A high level of Member sign up would result in savings of thousands of dollars a year currently spent on mailings. These mailings consist of an Annual Meeting notice and may include one or more special meeting notices, owner surveys and proxy ballots.
Registered site users, when logged in, automatically provide a log of site use (tracking) to our web designer/webmaster who uses the information to improve site design and to troubleshoot problems. From time to time, the information may be used to recruit Members to provide additional feedback for the site.