- Organize a couple work days a year.
- Report problems with irrigation systems.
- Monitor the mowing services.
- Make and recommend plans for park projects.
- Get to wear a really cool T-shirt (working on design ideas)
Your Park Needs You!
Park enhancement is a result of VOLUNTEER effort. The Civic Club invests about $20,000 (Beautification) each year for mowing, watering, tree work and some plantings. The results of this investment are mixed. A few parks look great but others not so much.
The reason some parks, such as Gazebo Park and Friendship Park look comparatively good is because these parks have a small group of neighbors led by a Park Captain to organize work and advocate for investment in it. The volunteers insure that work days happen and any investments are monitored.
While there are some financial limitations on what can be done for the green spaces, the greater limit is the lack of Volunteers to Captain the effort. Local businesses have offered to fund investment in the parks but we have been unable to take advantage of the offers because we, the owners have not been available to see the work planned, executed and maintained.
So how can you help? If you can Captain or co-Captain a park send an email to: beautification@gardenoaks.org.
Beautification Workday Example: Taking back Gazebo Park Aug. 10, 2019
GO tradition of work parties tapped to get a head start on a major cleanup for the park.