Garden Club

THEME: To Create and Conserve Beauty

MOTTO: “Grow and Share”

FLOWER: Violet

COLORS: White and Purple

PURPOSE: To Encourage Closer Fellowship; To Beautify Our Area; To Stimulate Knowledge of Flowers & Trees

PROJECTS: To Maintain Friendship Park at 30th & Lawrence

The Garden Club is simply an organized group of Garden Oaks neighbors who share an enthusiasm for gardening, and who meet at least monthly to socialize, share gardening-related experience, provide for and enjoy presentations, and, last but not least, help take care of one of Garden Oaks’ many open spaces, Friendship Park.

Meeting Times and Agenda

Monthly meetings are typically held 7 – 9 PM on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Meeting location varies. Email: to learn of the location for the meeting you wish to attend. There are occasions, however, when a work day or field trip might take the place of a regular meeting. Light refreshments are typically served, which are provided by member volunteers. Our typical monthly meeting agenda is generally as follows:

7:00 – 7:15 p.m. - Welcome/Social/Refreshments
7:15 – 8:00 p.m. - Activity: Program or Speaker
8:15 – 9:00 p.m. - Business Meeting


Activities may include: knowledgeable speakers addressing various gardening-related topics; neighborhood plant swap; fun floral/craft projects; field trips; “How Does Your Garden Grow” member discussions; or whatever else creative minds can come up with!

Topics of Interest

We seek to arrange presentations by local experts on various topics, such as: invasive plants, cultivated ornamentals, native species, garden wildlife, vegetable gardening, landscape design, borders, organic pest control, nature photography, patio potting, composting, irrigation options, earth worm castings, zeriscape, lawn maintenance, amaryllis, roses, bromeliads, orchids, cactii – as you can imagine, the list goes on and on!

Members and Non-Members

We strive to be an inclusive organization. All are welcome to share in our fellowship, learning, knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening – whether it’s every month, or just every once in a while. Members are encouraged to invite guests to all meetings, activities and/or work days. Non-members are also always welcome to attend, but cannot vote on business meeting issues. To join the Garden Club or attend a meeting as a non-member, please call the current president or vice president, per below, for information.

Considering the demands that kids, jobs, homes etc. make on our time, we understand that not all members can be expected to attend regularly, volunteer their home, provide for refreshments and/or dedicate time as officers or committee members. On the other hand, active involvement may be enjoyed by those that do have some leisure time they’d like to devote to the relatively minor needs of our club, and such is always welcome. Either way, the Garden Oaks Garden Club is a great way to contribute to your community and expand your local social network while learning and sharing knowledge about plants and gardening!

Work Days

All members are expected to participate in two workdays (9:00 am – 12:00 pm) per year for Friendship Garden maintenance, a minimum of one hour per workday. If a member cannot attend the scheduled workday, s/he may choose an alternate date or simply request to be excused.


Annual Membership dues are $25 per person, $10 for spouses and $10 for Seniors. You may pay using PayPal here. Dues are used to purchase plants and other materials needed for Friendship Garden and to pay for miscellaneous expenses as voted upon by the members (e.g. auction item donations, Holiday Party ham, etc.) Our club accounts are typically provided for review at each meeting.


President: Chris Lindsay

Vice President: vacant

Secretary: Cynthia Bonner

Treasurer & Communications: Tina Nieto

Standing Committees

Friendship Park Master Plan

Yard of the Month: Open