GOMO Plan Reviews are suspended.

Plan Approval Information

Garden Oaks is a Deed Restricted neighborhood with different restrictions for each section.

Owners are very strongly urged to obtain GOMO approval of their plans BEFORE applying for permits with the City of Houston.  A work stoppage after your project has begun because of a reported and confirmed violation of the Deed Restrictions can be costly.  Save yourself the stress and costs by getting early approval of your projects.

Owners are encouraged to attend a meeting early in their planning process to ask questions.

Please email digital versions of plans in PDF format to manager@gardenoaks.org

Drawings, including dimensions, must be legible when
printed on tabloid (11" by 17").

GOMO does not grant waivers. Open for more info
The language of the Deed Restrictions varies from Section to Section with most having some mention of the Garden Oaks Corporation having the right to change the building lines in cases of unusual or irregularly shaped lots. We also know from old surveys and anecdotal information that building lines were modified on pie shaped lots. The Garden Oaks Corporation could and did modify building lines. The issue, which prevents GOMO from granting waivers, is that GOMO was not given the rights of the Garden Oaks Corporation by the vote that created GOMO. An Amendment to the Deed Restrictions would be required to give GOMO the right to grant waivers.

For Construction Plan approval of all projects needing review please submit this information:

  1. Completed and signed two page Plan Submission Form
  2. Current Survey of the Property
  3. Plans including site plan, floor plans, and elevations with full dimensions
  4. Include the Elevation (height) of the residence and the garage if building a new detached garage

For Construction Plan approval of a "remodel" or addition to an existing structure where ANY part of the original structure is not demolished, please submit this additional information:

  1. Plans showing the portions of the original structure which will remain
  2. Demolition Plans
  3. Photographs of the sides of structures which will be changed by the project
  4. Include the Elevation with height annotated of the residence and garage if building an upstairs addition to an existing detached garage