GOCC Meeting, Tuesday, March 4th

Join us on Tuesday, March 4th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  We meet in the back room at Great Heights Brewing, located at 938 Wakefield Drive.  We start with 30 minutes of social time to catch up with your neighbors, a little civic club housekeeping, followed by our feature speaker.  You do not have to be a civic club member to attend.  We hope to see you there!

What are we talking about?

Betty Heacker, from the North Shepherd District, will be introducing the members of her district to the Garden Oaks Civic Club attendees.  Come meet them and hear about what they have going on and how it will impact Garden Oaks.

The North Shepherd District usually meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Wabash Feed & Garden, located at 4537 N Shepherd Dr at 6:15 PM.

Structure holding iconic Sears sign to be preserved as part of Houston redevelopment project

Structure holding iconic Sears sign to be preserved as part of Houston redevelopment project