GOCC Responds to Loss of Two GOMO Constable Patrols

The Civic club is responding to this very bad news by taking the following actions:</span></strong></em>
<li>Encouraging EVERYONE to do their part to support the constable program. There are numerous payment options:  online by month or annual draft, or a one time payment either online or by snail mail.
Sign up here:  <a href=”https://gardenoaks.org/constable”>gardenoaks.org/constable</a></li>
<li>Suggesting that residents talk up the constable program at the various Neighbors’ Night Out block gatherings to be held on the first Tuesday night in October.</li>
<li>Asking for VOLUNTEERS to join our newly-formed grass roots effort to bring in more supporters. Volunteer via  <a href=”mailto:constable@gardenoaks.org”>constable@gardenoaks.org</a> and include “Volunteer” in the Subject Line.  Provide your name, address, and phone number.  One of our new constable section captains will contact you.</li>

GOMO Can No Longer Fund Constable Patrols and Neighborhood Beautification

GOMO reviewed and adopted a budget for 2017 at its business meeting held August 17th. Major changes from prior year’s budgets include the elimination of spending of “Surplus Funds” as required by the bylaws for FY 2016-2017. These funds have been used for neighborhood related items such as Constable Patrols and Neighborhood Beautification. In practical terms, this means that next year Garden Oaks will lose the two Constable Patrols funded by GOMO (cost $153,500) and Beautification funding (cost $20,000). These steps were taken as a result of the outcome of the Section 3 garage lawsuit. While the lawsuit found GOMO to be improperly formed only with respect to the homeowners in the lawsuit, out of an abundance of caution, GOMO decided to place all transfer fees and other income received after the judgment date, June 8, 2016, into a separate account. GOMO appealed the ruling and is confident that the appeal will establish that GOMO was and is properly formed and that it has the authority to enforce Deed Restrictions and collect Transfer Fees. However, until such time, GOMO will limit spending to deed restriction enforcement and operating expenses. Due to its contractual obligations with Harris County, GOMO will continue to fund the two Constable Patrols until February 28, 2017.